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"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves"

Thomas Edison

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What is American Alert Guardians?

Enough is enough! This group is now the eye's and ears for All people. Every single state, city big or small throughout our Beautiful Country! We are starting a watchdog community that will evolve into a National Security Team that will safe guard all American's from sea to shining sea! We call on every single AMERICAN who's had enough of all the hate, looting, burning, rioting, murdering and All out Evil that has been destroying our great land. This is a call to arms!

Who do I contact if I have problems?

Help can be found on the forums or if needed you may reach out to anyone of the administrators on the "Meet the Team" page. We also have a chat function found on the bottom right of the page. We are also on Facebook, YouTube, and MEWE if you need any assistance or run into issues on the site.

What if I am not satisfied with American Alert Guardians?

This group was created and organized with one clear mission: To safeguard America and it's citizens. This is bound to upset some individuals and is not expected to please everyone. If you are experiencing personal issues with the site or another member feel free to contact any one of the administrators and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We view all requests and questions and we highly value the input of ALL MEMBERS of this group!

If you are interested in becoming part of the Team, please apply below!

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